суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

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Seeing Kevin on Leno last night made me so inexplicably happy.� Even though he wasnapos;t playing his own music (and barely wasnapos;t in the frame), I felt like such a proud parent seeing him on national television.� Not to mention that he was on the same episode with fucking Rachel Maddow, my #1 girl and date every weeknight at 9 PM.� Rachel, Ketih, and I have a pretty steady relationship going right now.

But yeah...I was so happy to see him and it made me think of the one day where he may be the one performing on Leno.� So weird.

Tonight, I saw Religulous with Lauren, Becca, Kevin, and his friend.� I went into the movie knowing that I love Bill Maher and thinking that a large majority of Christians are bananas.� It obviously wasnapos;t going to, or wasnapos;t intended to, change my mind about anything.� It was almost like watching a movie of my own thoughts during one of Schochetapos;s lectures with Becca.� Like, I didnapos;t learn anything new and nothing was proven to me.� Just affirmed most of my previously held beliefs.� That certainly doesnapos;t mean I didnapos;t enjoy it (I love watching people agree with me); but I also didnapos;t think it was necessarily fair to those interviewed.� During some parts, he seemed anxious to make people look foolish.� They couldapos;ve done that just fine without his instigation.

Considering that I was raised Christian for a good portion of my life, I still find it hard to completely refute the existence of God for similar "what if?" reasons that were presented in the movie.� I donapos;t not believe in God.� I donapos;t necessarily believe in God, either.� The truth is, I donapos;t know and I donapos;t know why some people find that so unacceptable.� I am comfortable with not having answers to some things.� Thatapos;s what makes being human and being rational such a fascinating journey.� However, I am completely and outwardly opposed to letting anyoneapos;s religion (or lack thereof) dictate the lives of others and, most importantly, our government.� That is wrong, immoral, and against what our Founding Fathers and probably Jesus Christ would have wanted.� If Jesus knew how Christians were manipulating and executing his words, he would be outaged.� And if he werenapos;t outraged, that is not the kind of leader I would want to follow and put my faith in.� Any teaching; religious, social, or otherwise, should not ignite the hatred and intolerance that has characterized Christianity as I have come to know it.

My mom asked me to watch it to determine whether I think she should see it.� For those who donapos;t know, my mom is a strong Christian but doesnapos;t broadcast it.� She is in it for the right reasons, if that makes sense.� She doesnapos;t look to God to justify the judgments she passes onto people.� She doesnapos;t pass judgment, period.� She has an entirely different spiritual experience and outlook that I, honestly, have a lot of respect for.� She knows the way I feel and she doesnapos;t like it, but she has never seen me differently for it.� I think that she thinks that I am a lot more radical than I actually am.� I want her to see the movie because I think sheapos;d get a better idea of where I come from.� But I also donapos;t want her to be offended by Bill Maher unabashedly refuting, mocking, and denying Christianity.� I hope she understands that Christianity as a religion isnapos;t what made me so disdainful of organized religion -- itapos;s the Sarah Palins and George Bushes of the world who have proven just how dangerous organized religion can be.� Religion shouldnapos;t be used as a crutch or as justification of bigoted hatred.� However, that is the only way I have seen it used for at least the past eight years.

Anyway, after the movie, we all headed to Starbucks for some hangs.� I love having a 24-hour Starbucks semi-nearby.� It is the perfect midway hang for when you donapos;t want food but you want to sit and chat for a while.� Good times.

I really, really need to go to bed.� Hopefully Red Robin tomorrow.� Iapos;ve been craving a burger like itapos;s nobodyapos;s business.


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